{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1671\cocoasubrtf600 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} {\*\expandedcolortbl;;} \margl1440\margr1440\vieww10800\viewh8400\viewkind0 \pard\tx566\tx1133\tx1700\tx2267\tx2834\tx3401\tx3968\tx4535\tx5102\tx5669\tx6236\tx6803\pardirnatural\partightenfactor0 \f0\fs24 \cf0 12:28:41 So you can do the practice seated but I'm going to stand.\ 12:28:46 So depends on how you're feeling your capacity the space around you. just going to look like chair out of the way.\ 12:28:55 So just starting, starting with standing, or if you're sitting just paying attention to the feeling of the feet in touch with the ground.\ 12:29:09 From this standing meditation posture, which is one of the postures of meditation, there are four sitting, standing, walking and lying down.\ 12:29:25 So just choosing the standing meditation posture,\ 12:29:32 or whatever posture is available to you right now, and beginning by feeling the support beneath the body.\ 12:29:41 And if you can, the feet in contact with the ground.\ 12:29:47 And you can begin with the eyes closed, but if you need them open for balance, then by all means, leave them open, or if that's more comfortable.\ 12:29:58 Just checking in with\ 12:30:02 these sensations.\ 12:30:05 Being aware of the sensations in the soles of the feet in contact with the ground and noticing.\ 12:30:14 Perhaps if you're even gently moving a little bit to maintain your balance, or if I know I have a habitual kind of way of just rocking from side to side or front to back, and it helps to kind of find that center balance in the body\ 12:30:38 with a soft bend and the needs stacking the knees over the ankles and the hips over the knees, and the shoulders over the hips.\ 12:30:48 And if you're holding your shoulders up to the ears or forward in some way then just seeing if you can roll them up and back and down so that they're neutral.\ 12:31:00 And there's some space between the ears, and the shoulders, and then nodding the chin slightly arms can be done by the sides palms open with a slight nod in the chin, just a little bit of an odd you'll notice that the neck, get some little bit longer.\ 12:31:20 And then ever so slightly energetically or physically just sending the crown of the head up towards the sky, and just notice saying, Perhaps a lengthening of the entire spine.\ 12:31:39 You may or may not notice this but just getting a sense of length.\ 12:31:44 Even imagining sending the crown of the head up towards the sky.\ 12:31:49 And from this alert.\ 12:31:54 »»ÆÞ¾ãÀÖ²¿ dignified posture.\ 12:31:57 You can open the eyes now for balance, bringing the hands clasping them in front of the body.\ 12:32:05 And on the inhale slowly with straight arms straight as you can.\ 12:32:11 Raising the arms up to shoulder height.\ 12:32:15 Breathing here.\ 12:32:17 And then, flipping the palms forward curling the spine into a C shape almost as if you're sitting back in an imaginary chair, sending the crown of the head forward to bone down towards the ground, and the low back, and middle back curved back behind you\ 12:32:40 and the shoulders away from the ears.\ 12:32:44 The knees are bent the belly is engaged.\ 12:32:50 Breathing here.\ 12:32:54 Then on the next inhale slowly raising the arms up towards the sky, flipping the palms back together again.\ 12:33:03 And if it's better for your shoulders to keep the arms shoulder width apart, that's okay, or clasping the fingers still breathing here and reaching up towards the sky, lengthening the entire body the side body.\ 12:33:22 The backbone body, shoulders, dropping down to a neutral position.\ 12:33:29 And then on the next inhale leaning over to one side, stretching out the side body.\ 12:33:37 Exhaling back to center. And then inhaling to the other side\ 12:33:45 and exhaling back to center. And one more time. Inhaling over to the side.\ 12:33:54 Coming back to center.\ 12:33:56 Inhaling to the opposite side.\ 12:34:00 Exhaling back to center. And this time, inhaling sending the palms, the arms back slightly behind the ears to get a slight extension and just looking forward slightly up.\ 12:34:18 And then on the exhale sending the arms\ 12:34:23 sideways.\ 12:34:25 In a T shape and pausing when you reach shoulder height. So the arms are out to the sides fingertips up towards the sky or the ceiling to stretch out the wrists.\ 12:34:47 And then beginning to rotate the wrists, in one direction. And in the opposite direction and seeing if you can stretch the fingertips, away from each other, and even a little bit back behind you and forward again.\ 12:34:59 And now bending the elbows and bringing the fingertips to the shoulders, elbows pointing down towards the ground. If this is not okay for your shoulders, you can place the hands of the hips.\ 12:35:20 And with the feet about hip width apart, with the knees slightly bent, breathing here, and then beginning to twist over to the right, gentle twist. Just watching the range of motion going to your own range of motion,\ 12:35:36 slowly coming back to center and then twisting over to the other side.\ 12:35:43 Coming back to center.\ 12:35:48 And then again, twisting.\ 12:35:53 Coming back to center continuing to breathe in the background and then twisting again.\ 12:36:19 Sitting the arms back straight, opening the front of the chest,\ 12:36:25 just breathing here. You're a couple of breaths here.\ 12:36:33 See where the breath goes in the body, the chest or the belly, maybe seeing if you can start to balance between the chest and belly.\ 12:36:45 And then bending the knees, a lot inching forward at the hip sending the arms further back, and then releasing the arms and slowly, either staying in this halfway for unfold, or starting to roll the upper body over the lower body.\ 12:37:06 Taking a full forward for using the legs or chair or the desk for support, and just starting to fold and roll all the way down so that the fingertips are reaching towards the ground and the crown of the head is reaching towards the ground, not trying\ 12:37:28 to hold the neck up or look up in any way just letting your gaze be in between the ankles are slightly back behind the ankles, in between the lyrics.\ 12:37:41 And just breathing here and allowing the weight of the head to traction, to lengthen the spine, noticing the sensations, pleasant unpleasant or neutral.\ 12:37:56 Any thoughts arising just noting them and gently guiding the attention back to the body,\ 12:38:12 breathing.\ 12:38:16 And then with a deep bend in the knees and using the legs for support to the hands on slowly so the head is the last thing to come up.\ 12:38:30 Just coming all the way back to standing\ 12:38:36 and taking a breath here in a standing posture, shoulders away from the ears.\ 12:38:46 This checking in with how the body feels right now.\ 12:38:51 checking in with how the body feels right now. And then another movement, and you might need to either.\ 12:38:57 Hang on to the desk or back the chair for support with one hand, bringing the weight into, say, the left leg to start bending the right knee, raising the foot off the ground, if you can reach the right ankle, with the right hand, bending the knee and\ 12:39:18 bringing the right heel towards the butter. And if you are sitting you might shift to one side of the chair and do this sitting as possible or just imagining the movement, pure line down line down on your side, just reaching for the ankle and bending\ 12:39:37 the knees so that you're getting some length in the front of the right here.\ 12:39:45 And at the same time your shoulders might open, engaging the belly, the knees pointing down towards the ground, and the heel is towards the buttock\ 12:40:00 was finding an extension here in the hip joint.\ 12:40:04 Perhaps noticing stretching stretching or lengthening opening.\ 12:40:10 And if there's tension just really going to your own range of motion scaling back.\ 12:40:16 This breathing here. And if you're trying to also do a balancing posture, you could let go of any support and see about balancing on one leg.\ 12:40:28 And the arm can be done by the side or even up towards sky.\ 12:40:35 Breathing here.\ 12:40:38 And then releasing the right leg shaking it out, shaking out the body, and then bringing the weight into the right like bending the left knee, reaching for the left ankle.\ 12:40:53 You're supported or doing a balancing posture here.\ 12:41:00 And the left knee is pointing towards the ground with the left heel towards the hip.\ 12:41:07 Opening the left front here.\ 12:41:14 Breathing here, being the hips level.\ 12:41:22 Pulling the belly button towards the spine.\ 12:41:27 Perhaps raising the right arm up towards the sky.\ 12:41:33 Breathing here,\ 12:41:39 slowly releasing the leg back down shaking out arms and the legs.\ 12:41:47 And then just beginning to twist from side to side, a more dynamic twist with soft bend in the knees, just twisting making sure you're not hitting anything with your arms, allowing the arms to move freely.\ 12:42:10 And then coming all the way back to standing, pausing in the standing posture.\ 12:42:17 eyes open or closed arms down the sides, checking in with the body and how it's feeling right now.\ 12:42:26 And the breath.\ 12:42:35 And then one last time clasping the hands in front of the body, and just sending the arms up towards the sky and lengthening taking a full body stretch, and then bringing the arms down to shoulder height and sending the palms forward curling into a C\ 12:42:57 shape.\ 12:43:02 And again, arms up towards the sky and a little bit back behind you for the slight back then and then releasing the arms all the way down and coming back to standing.\ 12:43:16 One last time checking in with the body standing.\ 12:43:20 Any sensations.\ 12:43:25 The breath.\ 12:43:30 And then slowly releasing this practice and coming back to.\ 12:43:37 Sitting\ 12:43:42 will just take a few minutes now to check in with how you're feeling now anything you noticed in the body that practice.}