12:36:22 Last week we actually started talking about i'm certified in yoga as well as in irs. 12:36:27 Yoga needra meditation. and so for this we talk about something called the Kentuckas, which are pointers, and there's 5 pointers that they've come up with and one of them that we talked about 12:36:36 last week was called, was related to contraction and feeling limited. 12:36:42 So this time I actually want to talk to something about being time limited and timelessness. 12:36:49 So we're gonna come back to this I just wanted to show all the different slides. 12:36:54 First this time we'll be doing a practice so you can do if you want to lie down here we won't judge you. 12:37:02 If you want to do that, you can do it seated or stead if we're going to do that and in a moment, and everything's possible with the meditation that we're doing today, and then we're going to do a little bit 12:37:10 of gentle yoga as well after that. so just in a standing position. 12:37:15 But if you feel more comfortable, seated, that's okay, too. 12:37:18 So watching the time we're gonna try to make this all fit into the short amount of time together to stop sharing here 12:37:29 All right. 12:37:36 So coming back to the country because this is anybody studying Yoga Metra or Iris meditation? 12:37:42 Is anybody familiar? Oh, you do! Are you familiar with Iris meditation? 12:37:47 And why? oh, beautiful that's, wonderful that's great, So you can integrate all of that into your teaching. So Yoga naturally is just one aspect of it, and it's often done sort of in a more 12:38:01 relaxed state in a more meditative state and one of the It's actually one of the homework that I had when I was getting my certification was noticing the messengers that we have in our bodies and the one that 12:38:15 I want to talk to you today was about time limitedness and timelessness. 12:38:20 So they're just messengers and we might notice them like today, for example, I was telling area on the subway. 12:38:26 Suddenly all these messages appeared on my phone, and there were, you know, people asking for things that I needed to get done. 12:38:35 And on my way here, you know, I was trying to be very relaxed, getting ready, for, you know, offering this yoga meditation. 12:38:39 But already I could feel my belly constrict, and, like the heat rising through my chest, my face getting warm. 12:38:46 And even when I started talking to Airy I was really sort of like Hyper, because all these emails had come up asking me to do different things from the Tdsb from my other yoga partner, and But the nice thing. 12:38:59 Is I could recognize it, because I now know that I don't have to judge myself for it. 12:39:04 I know it's just a pointer it's telling me Okay, just take a breath. 12:39:07 It's Okay, you know, I can deal with that later. 12:39:11 There's going to be time later right and I think a lot of times, especially as teachers or parents. 12:39:17 Even we often feel like we don't have enough time right and a lot of time. 12:39:21 What we're trying to do is actually perfect enough but we don't realize that, you know, when we keep you know we might not eat our lunch, or we might not sleep properly, because we feel like we need to get it done in 12:39:34 the mount of time. that's allotted but actually if you just take a moment and notice. 12:39:40 Okay, actually I don't have to do that one that's not urgent. 12:39:43 You know those emails that I was getting on the bus I didn't not have to answer them. 12:39:47 I turned it off, and I know I can go back and be stressed about it later. 12:39:50 But I don't have to be just about it on the way to yoga meditation right? 12:39:54 So I wanted to actually do a short irs meditation with all of you. 12:40:00 If you're okay with that and you can do it seated or moving, or standing, whatever feels comfortable for you, and you can do it with your eyes opened or closed. 12:40:09 Everything's possible. So i'm just gonna go into this so you can just start to get ready, and even if there sounds outside of the room, and that's okay. 12:40:22 We can allow them to come and just notice as they come and go in their own way. 12:40:26 So feel free to just to start to settle in whatever that looks like in your body today. 12:40:35 Maybe opening your senses all around you into the environment we're in 12:40:44 And maybe settling in a little bit more into the surfaces or spaces that you're in 12:40:56 Eyes opening or closing whatever feels right. in this moment 12:41:09 Maybe leaving any residues of the day behind, just recognizing. 12:41:16 You can come back to them later on, and you have a chance Tomorrow 12:41:26 So as you continue to open your senses, maybe without attaching or detaching 12:41:36 Perhaps the temperature on the skin 12:41:47 Any colors or shadows. 12:41:57 And he sounds inside or outside of the room 12:42:07 Without needing to change or fix anything. 12:42:17 And maybe even allowing the body to adjust itself just to bring even 10% more ease or comfort 12:42:34 During I rest. Might you welcome everything as a messenger? 12:42:42 Nothing turned away 12:42:53 Might you feel into a heartfelt desire you're why in the world 12:43:04 Perhaps your heart's mission or purpose 12:43:15 And maybe just noticing how it might manifest during our time together 12:43:25 Recall an intention 12:43:31 You're why, for this moment for this practice 12:43:41 Supporting and fulfilling your heartbelt purpose 12:43:51 Maybe it's just to be with whatever messenger arises 12:44:06 As you're ready, feel into your inner resource this unchanging source 12:44:21 One that you can access at a moment's notice 12:44:29 Safe, refuge. 12:44:34 Maybe imagery. 12:44:40 And even as sounds come in or out into perception, maybe just noticing notices, they arise and expand and dissipate in their own time 12:45:00 Without needing to attach or detach 12:45:12 As you feel into this imagery of your inner resource, you can live in it with all your senses. 12:45:23 Maybe a memory 12:45:31 Imagine place. 12:45:36 Perhaps the person 12:45:43 Or activity. 12:45:49 As you feel into this. Maybe this connects you to this unchanging source, and may be accompanied by words Surrendered Piece 12:46:11 Okayness. 12:46:18 Was feeling into what resonates for you 12:46:25 And a felt sense in the body, any breath in the entire body 12:46:37 Release of muscles. 12:46:43 Jaw. 12:46:49 Spaciousness. 12:46:54 Coolness. 12:47:01 Timelessness. 12:47:10 Knowing that you can come back this inner resource at any time during your practice or beyond in your daily life. 12:47:20 Whenever you need to feel ease, or Ocanus 12:47:32 And might we journey around the body, allowing my words to be your words 12:47:41 Without needing to shift or soften anything 12:47:49 Attention resting on the face hinges of the jaw. 12:48:00 Mouth. 12:48:05 Cheeks. 12:48:10 Nostrils. 12:48:17 Ears. 12:48:22 Forehead. 12:48:26 Scalp the entire head as sensation 12:48:43 Shoulders, arms and fingers. 12:48:54 The entire torso 12:49:02 Pelvis, hips and glutes. 12:49:13 Each leg, ankle and foot, each toe 12:49:27 The entire unified body as sensation. 12:49:41 And the body breathing itself 12:49:49 Each inhale through the nostril 12:49:56 Dissolved thing through the body 12:50:02 Resting in the belly. 12:50:09 Exhaling. 12:50:15 Breath effortlessly up to the throat, out through the nostrils 12:50:28 Each time the breath effortlessly breathing, and itself 12:50:38 Each changing sensation, revealing something unchanging, spacious, and timeless. 12:50:57 As you're ready? Why did you take a moment to inquire 12:51:05 Scanning the emotions and thoughts 12:51:11 Feeling your way. 12:51:19 Feeling into time limited. Not enough. time 12:51:34 At your own pace. My! You notice if any emotions or sensations, thoughts, beliefs. 12:51:56 Images. 12:52:02 Memories. 12:52:06 What's arising for you 12:52:12 Without needing to judge or analyze. 12:52:22 And where does it arise in the body? 12:52:27 Feeling your way. 12:52:34 And if there's nothing this too is your perfect experience stay with what's most calling your attention 12:52:45 Maybe it appears in the belly 12:52:53 For the chest 12:52:57 Maybe in the breath 12:53:05 Feeling free to interweave your inner resource of ease, and Ocanus 12:53:16 Yes, you're ready, my you invite its opposite inquiring into timelessness. 12:53:30 Or any other words that resonate for you 12:53:37 What does it feel like to have a little bit more time 12:53:49 Are there any emotions 12:53:54 Thoughts. 12:53:59 Police. 12:54:05 Any memories. 12:54:10 For images. 12:54:18 Without needing to fix or change anything. Can you just notice 12:54:32 Notice where timelessness appears in the body. 12:54:41 Maybe in the jaw 12:54:47 In the face. 12:54:52 Where is timelessness in the body? 12:55:03 The feels okay for you. Might you go back and forth feeling one and then the other 12:55:18 Feeling into time, limited 12:55:26 And noticing it in the body 12:55:36 »»ÆÞ¾ãÀÖ²¿ analyzing. 12:55:42 As you're ready feeling into timelessness 12:55:52 Where's timelessness in the body 12:56:04 Going back and forth between time limited. 12:56:16 And feeling into timelessness 12:56:25 As you're ready, might you hold both at the same time without needing to merge, or just holding space for time. 12:56:42 Limited and timelessness at the same time 12:56:52 And the felt sensed in the body 12:57:06 As you're ready. What you stay with the one offering the most ease and okness 12:57:17 And interweaving this unchanging inner resource which all these sensations, emotions, thought arise, expand, and this dissipate back into whenever they've delivered their message 12:57:55 Back into unchanging awareness. this unchanging source 12:58:06 In which everything arises from, and returns back to 12:58:15 As we slowly transitioned back into awareness to waking life. 12:58:25 Might you open your senses back into the room again? 12:58:29 Feeling into the supports, the spaces. all the while allowing this inner resource of ease and Okness to remain with you. 12:58:51 And maybe welcoming messengers of time throughout the week, and your day to point you to the perfect response moment to moment. 12:59:05 So perhaps opening and closing the eyes several times to integrate this experience, and precisely when the body is ready, just allowing it to wiggle toes or wiggle fingers, finding any movement 12:59:26 I'm just grateful for taking this time and practice the irest.