12:26:24 Okay, so welcome back to restorative reset. I'm Jen Baradi. And just as always, just take care.
12:26:34 During all the wellness sessions, just follow any medical advice that you've been given.
12:26:48 I'm just know there's always support available. Through OZI community with me before after sessions or with your local community networks and loved ones.
12:26:58 And we appreciate everyone continuing to create and maintain the safe container. Thank you for joining us.
12:27:10 And then on the resource page, I've put up some webinars.
12:27:16 And so kids yoga teacher training, she's really lovely. And she's been offering training for years for free every month.
12:27:23 For educators especially. And then there's also another parent summit that's going on with a lot of therapists like Dan Siegel who I love you just the model with the brain and a lot of other therapists so lots of things about working with kids and trauma.
12:27:38 So you might wanna attend that. This one started yesterday. And they're both free. So you can give those a check and see if they.
12:27:46 Or supportive.
12:27:56 Okay. And then before we get into this next practice, if anybody wanted to share anything. Okay, this month we'll continue to spend time with inner resource this felt sense of unchanging okayness and ease.
12:28:11 Maybe feel like coming home again.
12:28:17 And with ongoing research through IRS and Dr. Richard Miller. As words resonate and feel important to you.
12:28:24 And they repeated over and over, little and often. Just like anything else that we practice in a resource becomes habitual, easily accessed at a moment's notice.
12:28:34 So during this practice, I'll invite words that others have connected with. So. Perhaps be curious.
12:28:42 Notice what in full, see what lands and feels right. And feel free to let the words float away if they don't feel right or they don't resonate.
12:28:49 It's acceptable to not use any words. And just stay with the felt sense in the body.
12:28:56 And during this practice, a virus yoga major meditation. As always, you'll be guided by my voice.
12:29:02 Feel free to find any comfortable position sitting or laying down standing, maybe even moving in one spot.
12:29:08 All possibilities are welcome. As sleep resting, alert or awake. And if there's any discomfort at all, feel free to open the eyes gently, ground the feet, find movement in the body.
12:29:20 And the invitation throughout today or this week and until we meet again. To perhaps intentionally practice feeling into the inner resource, using words that resonate.
12:29:30 Being curious. And connecting in any moment to this feeling of. Safety or security. Being at ease and okay.
12:29:44 So just start to settle in.
12:29:48 Any resting position. Whatever the body wants to do at this moment.
12:29:57 Eyes gazing. Opened or closed.
12:30:04 Maybe trusting everything supporting you. You can let go a little bit more.
12:30:13 If there's any residue of the day.
12:30:17 Maybe even imagining tucking it away.
12:30:21 Recognizing you can return to it later. Perhaps feeling more refreshed and ready.
12:30:33 At your own pace you might allow the census to start exploring.
12:30:39 Freed all around.
12:30:46 Welcome sensations of the body.
12:30:52 Feeling the places where textures and surfaces touch the body.
12:31:00 Opening up to all the spaces all around you.
12:31:08 Can be noticing places of warmth or coolness.
12:31:18 Any hints of light or shadows. Colors.
12:31:28 Any sounds. That might be coming from the body.
12:31:35 Or inside or outside of the room.
12:31:42 I'll be noticing any tastes in the mouth or.
12:31:46 Any sense.
12:31:51 Hello the body to make any final adjustments to feel comfortable and okay at ease.
12:32:01 During irest. Why'd you greet every experience as messengers? As pointers.
12:32:12 Just allowing each to unfold completely just as they are.
12:32:23 Just taking your time as you. Start to reflect upon the heart's deepest desire.
12:32:31 Maybe longing or contribution.
12:32:37 Purpose for this lifetime.
12:32:42 Your why in the world?
12:32:50 Experiencing and affirming the felt sense.
12:32:55 As if you're living and expressing it with the entire body. At this very moment.
12:33:04 If any other perceptions come in. Not needing to fix or change anything, just notice.
12:33:14 So each unfold and dissipate in their own time. Back to where they came from.
12:33:25 And start to reflect upon an intention.
12:33:30 Why for this moment or practice?
12:33:36 One that supports you in realizing the heartfelt desire.
12:33:45 Maybe it's an intention of feeling and activating in a resource through words.
12:33:55 Whatever feels right or resonates for you at this moment.
12:34:01 Remember and fully welcome this intention. With the whole body in mind.
12:34:17 And as you're ready. Why don't you welcome in the inner resource.
12:34:24 Safe haven.
12:34:29 Refuge.
12:34:32 Oh in a resource, and feeling safe and secure. Love than at ease. At any given moment.
12:34:55 Perhaps. Connecting to the inner resource through imagery.
12:35:04 Enlivened by the 5 senses.
12:35:20 Or perhaps connecting to the inner resource through words.
12:35:27 Where is that directly connect you to this unchanging source of ease and okayness.
12:35:37 2 again, maybe inviting these words.
12:35:42 Or just letting them float away. One by one. And if there's no words, just staying with whatever is most calling for your attention.
12:35:58 So feeling secure.
12:36:04 Connected.
12:36:11 At ease.
12:36:18 Comfortable.
12:36:25 Content.
12:36:33 Still.
12:36:40 Clear.
12:36:48 Grounded.
12:36:55 Peaceful.
12:37:03 Expansive.
12:37:11 . Open
12:37:20 Safe.
12:37:29 Stable.
12:37:37 Balanced.
12:37:45 Brazilian.
12:37:54 Flowing.
12:38:03 Well-being.
12:38:11 Being.
12:38:18 Just noticing whatever words might resonate for you.
12:38:24 And if there's no words. This too is a perfect experience.
12:38:31 Just staying with whatever is most calling for attention.
12:38:40 And a felt sense in the body.
12:38:44 What do you feel the inner resource?
12:38:50 Perhaps emanating from the heart.
12:38:57 Deep breath, the entire body.
12:39:07 Perhaps a release in the muscles.
12:39:13 The Jaw.
12:39:18 Shoulders.
12:39:26 Recognizing and affirming. You can return to the inner resource at any time.
12:39:34 During this Iris practice.
12:39:39 Or in everyday life.
12:39:43 Whenever you feel the need for being secure.
12:39:48 Safe.
12:39:52 Okay.
12:39:55 And at ease.
12:39:59 Now allow my words to be your words. As attention floats through the body.
12:40:10 I think to fix or change.
12:40:15 Feeling the way.
12:40:20 Sensing the jaw and mouth.
12:40:27 Even his perceptions might notice something else. Just peeling off the label.
12:40:35 Coming back to the feeling in the jaw and the mouth. Sensation.
12:40:46 Sensing the nose and ears.
12:40:56 Dissolving through each eye a sensation.
12:41:03 Again, if any sounds or perceptions come in. Not needing to attach or detach.
12:41:12 Just simply noticing. Everything unfolds. And dissolves.
12:41:20 Back to where it came from.
12:41:25 Sensing the spaces between the eyebrows.
12:41:30 The forehead.
12:41:37 Sensing the entire face and head as sensation.
12:41:45 Following sensation throughout the body.
12:41:51 Not needing to judge or analyze. Just feeling the way.
12:42:08 Attention resting on the unified face. Head and body. As sensation.
12:42:19 Each changing sensation revealing something unchanging. Which you also are.
12:42:27 True nature, pure being.
12:42:34 In the felt sense of the inner resource of being and well being.
12:42:44 Maybe following in tension is it flow to the body breathing itself.
12:42:57 Changing sensations reveal something unchanging.
12:43:02 Fullness of being.
12:43:08 And again, if any perceptions are rising.
12:43:13 Any notice if there's any messengers?
12:43:19 Notice any sensations.
12:43:25 Sorry, or emotions.
12:43:30 Noticing any thoughts.
12:43:38 Noticing any memories.
12:43:45 Any beliefs.
12:43:50 Without needing to attach or detach, just noticing. What's calling for your attention?
12:44:01 Just feeling the way.
12:44:08 And if there's nothing.
12:44:11 This too is a perfect experience.
12:44:17 Just staying with whatever is most calling for attention.
12:44:24 Just noticing how any perceptions might arise and unfold.
12:44:31 And dissipate back to where it came from.
12:44:39 Where are you experiencing this in the body?
12:44:46 My true even interweave the inner resource of being and well-being.
12:44:58 And as you're ready, maybe staying with whatever brings the greatest ease in okayness.
12:45:07 Letting everything else dissolve. Back to where it came from.
12:45:14 Back to unchanging awareness that contains everything and everyone.
12:45:21 Pure being.
12:45:25 True nature.
12:45:29 Which you also are.
12:45:40 Maybe just take a moment to notice if a feeling of joy appears.
12:45:46 Feeling through the heart space.
12:45:52 Joy, that's independent of anything and anyone.
12:46:01 Joy flowing throughout the body.
12:46:10 Maybe even interweaving the felt sense of inner resource.
12:46:20 Noticing how joy is also a changing sensation.
12:46:29 Unfolding and expanding.
12:46:32 Returning back to where it came from.
12:46:37 I'm changing awareness.
12:46:41 Which you also are.
12:46:46 Imagine going about everyday life. Awareness awake and aware of itself.
12:46:57 Sensing and affirming how in each moment.
12:47:02 You always recognize the perfect. And precise response. To each situation in life.
12:47:22 Reflecting on this experience.
12:47:28 Welcome and unchanging awareness and wholeness.
12:47:34 Which everything unfolds.
12:47:39 Everything expands.
12:47:46 And everything and everyone dissolves back. In its own time.
12:47:56 Just taking your time here to transition back into waking life.
12:48:03 Maybe there's a few more things left to do.
12:48:09 Perhaps feeling more refreshed and ready.
12:48:16 Welcome to Census to explore again.
12:48:21 Sensing the surfaces that it might have been supporting you.
12:48:27 Spaces all around.
12:48:34 Warmth or coolness.
12:48:40 Sounds inside or outside of the room.
12:48:50 Colors or shadows, light.
12:49:01 Any taste or sense?
12:49:10 Anybody starting to find movement? Toes and fingers wiggling.
12:49:18 As you're ready, maybe allow me eyes to open and close several times.
12:49:23 All the while staying with the felt sense of the inner resource.
12:49:30 Perhaps connecting and activating inner resource through words.
12:49:38 All the while filling this unchanging awareness. In which everyone and everything arises.
12:49:50 Moving back gradually into everyday life.
12:49:54 Nice opening and closing. Becoming wide awake. Great for this time together. And the practice of arrest.
12:50:05 Thank you everybody. Maybe I'll just bring a little bit of movement here. Might have to go but if you're on a yoga mat maybe if you want to come into table it might feel really nice if you like or you don't have to.
12:50:17 If you want to go into table, you can find some cows and cats. So I'm going to do this in a chair, but you can do it if you're in a yoga mat or not.
12:50:22 So coming to table, maybe the shoulders are over the wrists and maybe the hips are over the knees.
12:50:28 And then just finding movement. So I'm holding onto the chairs. I'm getting the same thing.
12:50:32 So rounding the back, eating at the belly cat, maybe inviting the neck too. It's really nice thing to do to wake up.
12:50:39 Allowing this fine, the raspberry spine, So open up the chest cow, gazing up perhaps.
12:50:47 Maybe cat, if there's any other. Stiffness that wants to be released. Anything that needs attention.
12:50:57 Thank you to take a moment if you're in a yoga mat, you might want to release the arm, come into figure, come in to thread the needle.
12:51:03 It's a nice twisting. So you twist underneath like that. For us, we'll just come into a twist.
12:51:08 So if you want to come into a twist, like thread the needle. Yes, you bring one arm, yeah, one arm on top.
12:51:13 So it might be looking like this if you're on a yoga mat. Otherwise, you can come into a twist if you're seated in the chair.
12:51:19 Nice to get into the parasympathetic nervous system again. When you're ready, make sure you come into the other side.
12:51:28 You can gaze underneath your table or just come into a twist if you're seated. You can gaze underneath your table or just come into a twist if you're seated.
12:51:32 Just a couple breaths here.