STEM in Teacher Education – A Canadian Perspective

Over the last decade or so, the STEM acronym has gained momentum as a hot new term in educational and public spheres in »»ÆÞ¾ãÀÖ²¿. Despite the term’s ubiquity, education systems have been slow to formally identify ways in which we should approach STEM education, much less how we should conceptualize what STEM means in a Canadian context. Meanwhile, teachers are being prepared for classrooms where they are expected to introduce the STEM construct to their students. In the cross-»»ÆÞ¾ãÀÖ²¿ forum STEM in teacher education: A Canadian perspective,panelists and audience members will explore ways in which teacher educators in »»ÆÞ¾ãÀÖ²¿ are preparing pre-service teachers for this new avenue of teaching and learning while examining the potential challenges and affordances attending STEM education.

Panel Members

  • Jesse Bazzul, University of Regina
  • Karen Goodnough, Memorial University
  • Marina Milner-Bolotin, University of British Columbia
  • Carol Rees, Thompson Rivers University
  • Christine Tippett, University of Ottawa

Afterthoughts provided by David Blades, University of Victoria

Moderator: Doug McDougall, OISE, University of Toronto; Editor-in-Chief, Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education.

Event Recording