Excerpt: "As part of the new Family Affordability Package, Manitoba families with children and a household income of less than $175,000 in 2021 will receive a Family Affordability benefit cheque of $250 for the first child and $200 for each additional child. An estimated 145,000 families with approximately 282,000 children will benefit with an average cheque of approximately $440 per family, totalling $63 million in benefits."
Excerpt: "This addendum to the 遙ぺ整氈窒 Child Care and EarlyON Child and Family Centres Service Management and Funding Guideline (2022) (CWELCC Guidelines) will provide CMSMs/DSSABs with information on recent changes arising from the new investments through the 遙ぺ整氈窒-Wide Early Learning and Child Care (CWELCC) Agreement."
Excerpt: "The Alberta Home Visitation Network Association will use $1.5 million in federal funding for in-person and virtual workshops to provide opportunities to early childhood educators working in licenced child-care centres to enhance their knowledge of the social and emotional needs of children up to 12 years old. The workshops will include an introduction to infant and early childhood mental health that focuses on the importance of understanding behaviours and cultural self-awareness. Training for educators working with children aged 6 to 12 will also include mental health first aid for helping kids in crisis, and youth mental health supports."
Excerpt: "Saskatchewan is committing nearly $9 million for training and professional development grants for the early learning and child care sector. This is part of Saskatchewans commitment to improve quality in the early years and child care sector, and is just one of many programs delivered through the 遙ぺ整氈窒-Saskatchewan 遙ぺ整氈窒-Wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreement. The province has partnered with Coll癡ge Mathieu, Saskatchewan Indian Institute of Technologies (SIIT) and Saskatchewan Polytechnic (Sask Polytech) to make Early Childhood Education (ECE) training opportunities available at no charge. The three post-secondary institutions have programming available beginning in 2022-23."
Excerpt: "Through the 遙ぺ整氈窒-Saskatchewan 遙ぺ整氈窒-wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreement, Saskatchewan has already achieved a 50% reduction in average parent fees for regulated child care spaces for children under 6 years of age, retroactive to July 1, 2021. Starting September 1, 2022, parent fees for regulated child care will be further reduced, to an average of 70% compared to March 2021 levels. These fee reductions means families in Saskatchewan are already saving up to an estimated average of $3,910 annually per child, and could save an average of approximately $5,220 a year per child once fees reach an average of $10-a-day. These are significant milestones, and the province is on track to reach an average of $10-a-day early learning and child care fees by March 2026."
Excerpt: "The governments of Saskatchewan and 遙ぺ整氈窒 have taken another important step to improve affordability and further reduce regulated child care fees for families with children under six. Starting September 1, 2022, parent fees for regulated child care will be reduced by an average of 70 per cent compared to March 2021 levels. This fee reduction, the second announced this year, is part of close to $1.1 billion being invested to transform child care in Saskatchewan through the 2021-22 to 2025-26 遙ぺ整氈窒-Saskatchewan 遙ぺ整氈窒-Wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreement by making regulated child care more affordable for Saskatchewan families. Parent fee reductions represent spending of $13.4 million over the last fiscal year and a total of $74 million for 2022-23."
Excerpt: "Parents of young children will soon see the cost of daycare drop dramatically with the province having negotiated a fair child-care deal with the federal government."
Excerpt: "Early childhood educators can access up to $500 in enhanced bursaries for learning and development opportunities. Bursary funding will also be available to assist Yukon residents studying in the field of early learning, supporting both full- and part-time studies, and credited and non-credit coursework. Additionally, early learning program operators and partners will be contracted to create and deliver professional development opportunities for early childhood educators."
Excerpt: "To support early childhood educators, Manitoba implemented a new wage grid to support wage equity for early childhood educators in funded child care facilities. The new wage grid will allow non-profit child care boards to develop fair, consistent and competitive wage scales across the province and will help the early learning and child care sector retain qualified, experienced staff and boost recruitment efforts."
Excerpt: "Under the agreement with Quebec, the Government of 遙ぺ整氈窒 is investing nearly $6 billion over five years to make further improvements to early learning and child care. A significant portion of the funding will address Quebecs stated child care priorities, including creating more than 30,000 subsidized reduced-contribution child care spaces, increasing the number of qualified child care educators and strengthening the current child care network."
Excerpt: "More students in grades 11 and 12 will be able to earn both high school and post-secondary credits toward careers in early childhood education with the introduction of 30 new dual-credit programs at school districts throughout B.C."
Excerpt: "A one-time $49.2-million investment by the Government of 遙ぺ整氈窒 through the 2021-22 to 2024-25 遙ぺ整氈窒-British Columbia Early Learning and Child Care (ELCC) Agreement will better support workforce development in the child care sector. This includes $25.5 million to help provide ECE bursaries for three academic years, which began in September 2021. Since the launch of ChildCareBC in 2018, the ECE Education Support Fund has provided 12,300 bursaries to support more than 6,500 students pursuing a career in early childhood education."