Dr. Thomas Deissinger - Problems and Challenges of Full-‐ time Vocation Education and Training in Germany
In the area of Vocation Education Training (VET) there is growing pressure to not only produce portable skills for the labour market, but also enable individuals to progress to Higher Education (HE). The functionality of VET qualifications and underlying pathways is therefore embedded within a more general debate on flexibility and permeability within education systems.
Today, the VET program in Germany is clearly multi-‐functional in that it embodies courses and certificates in basically three areas: vocational preparation and support measures; initial vocational training in specific occupations outside the Dual System (apprenticeship system), and upgrading school qualifications on different levels (including progression to higher education).
To that end, we are pleased to welcome Dr. Thomas Deissinger who will present on this complex subsystem of VET in Germany and also on its relationship with the Dual System in the context of the general Germany VET policy.
ֲ the speaker

Dr. Thomas Deissinger
Thomas Deissinger is a University Professor of Business and Economics Education at the University of Konstanz.
He has specialised in vocational training policy and comparative research activities in the area of VET. Research interests also include didactical issues and the history of VET as well as school-‐based VET and practice firms in vocational schools.