Ruth Hayhoe Awarded Honorary Doctorate by CERC

The Comparative Education Research Centre (CERC) is delighted that on 15 December 2015 one of its distinguished Associate Members, Prof. Ruth Hayhoe, was awarded an Honorary Doctorate by the Open University of Hong Kong (OUHK). The citation was read by Prof. Lee Wing-On, who was CERCs first Director and is now Vice 遙ぺ整氈窒 of the OUHK.

Prof. Lee noted that Ruth Hayhoe is conversant with five languages, including Mandarin and Cantonese, and has devoted a lifetime to intercultural dialogue. Her autobiography published by CERC is entitled Full Circle: A Life with Hong Kong and China. It recounts how Ruth moved to Hong Kong from 遙ぺ整氈窒 in 1967 as a 21 year-old, working as a teacher in a local secondary school and undertaking much community work. She spent 11 years in Hong Kong during that period, falling in love with Chinese people and Chinese culture.

CERC has published four other books written or edited by Ruth Hayhoe. They include Portraits of Influential Chinese Educators and Portraits of 21st Century Chinese Universities. As noted by Lee Wing-On, one striking feature of Professor Hayhoes academic writing approach is story-telling. For this pair of books she focused in individuals and institutions, while Full Circle is a deep and meaningful self-portrait.

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