Patrick Finnessy
Instructor and researcher of teacher education, curriculum, and qualitative inquiry. Emphasis on the taught, hidden, and null curricula and using moral courage in education.
•Teacher Educator (Toronto, »»ÆÞ¾ãÀÖ²¿);
•Master Chair in English, Lake Forest Academy (Illinois);
•High School Administrator (Illinois);
•High School Teacher (Certification in »»ÆÞ¾ãÀÖ²¿, llinois, Iowa, Minnesota);
•Gender & Sexuality Director at University of Illinois;
•Salzburg Global Fellowship (Austria).
Teaching, researching, consulting, serving, and caring for learning communities on the intersections of a Comprehensive Curriculum. Experienced in »»ÆÞ¾ãÀÖ²¿, the United States, and European Union. Specialties in pre and in-service teacher education, ethics, identity, and exploring individuality within a plurality.
Academic Positions
LecturerUniversity of Toronto/OISE, Curriculum and Pedagogy, Toronto, »»ÆÞ¾ãÀÖ²¿, »»ÆÞ¾ãÀÖ²¿, May 2009 - Present
Assistant ProfessorBrock University, Administration and Leadership, St. Catherine's, »»ÆÞ¾ãÀÖ²¿, »»ÆÞ¾ãÀÖ²¿, Jan 2012 - Jun 2013
Affiliate Assistant ProfessorUniversity of Illinois-Chicago, Gender and Women's Studies, Chicago, Illinois, United States, Nov 2000 - Nov 2008
PhD, EducationUniversity of Illinois- Chicago,
Chicago, IL
United States
Scholarly & Creative Works
Examining the Heteropatriarchy: Canadian and American Male English Teachers’ Perspectives of a Sexual Minority Curriculum.2016, Teaching EducationPatrick Finnessy
The Hierarchy of Diversity; Race and a Divided Campus; Gender and the Workplace2010, Case Studies and Activities in Adult Education and Human Resource Development (S. Schmidt Ed)Patrick Finnessy
Ending the Silence: Bullying in the Curriculum2009, The School AdministratorPatrick Finnessy
An Academic Course that Teaches Heterosexual Students to be Allies to LGBT Communities: A Qualitative Analysis2009, The Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social ServicesJi, P., Dubois, S. & Finnessy, P.
My Gay American Story2009, Chicago: An Immigrant City (L. Lee Ed)Patrick Finnessy
The Queering of Chicago Campuses2008, Out and Proud in Chicago: An Overview of the City’s Gay Community (T. Baim Ed)Patrick Finnessy
Inclusive language and scarlet letters: Campus Matters: Guidance for Higher Education2006,Ji, P, Finnessy, P.
Defending Children’s Schooltime Reading: Daddy’s Roommate and Heather’s Mommies2002, Censored Books II: Critical Viewpoints, 1985-2000 (N. Karolides Ed)Patrick Finnessyy
Drowning in Dichotomy: Interpreting The Drowning of Stephan Jones.1998, The ALAN ReviewPatrick Finnessy
Research Interests
•Exploring applications of moral courage and aporia when problematizing issues of contrasting identities as related to leading, teaching, and learning in diverse educational settings
•Unpacking professional identities and human relations in school settings through an examination of the taught, hidden, and null curriculum
•Understanding Diversity of Thought and Diversity of Identities in the curriculum
•Interpreting prospective researcher inquiries as they are introduced to qualitative studies (researching the researcher)
Teaching Interests
•Foundations of Curriculum & Pedagogy (CTL 1000)
•Introduction to Qualitative Inquiry (CTL 1018)
•Language, Culture, & Identity: Using the Literary Text in Teacher Development (CTL 1031)*
•Gender Equity in the Classroom (CTL 1313)
•Anti-Oppression Education in School Settings (CTL 1011)
•Teacher Education & the Construction of Professional Knowledge (CTL 1115)
•Anti-Discriminatory Education (CTL 7009)
•Reflective Teaching & Inquiry into Research (CTL 7006)
•Authentic Assessment (CTL 7007)
•The Student to Professional: Mentoring Teachers (CTL 7015)
•Social Foundations of Teaching and Schooling (EDU470)
*Crosslisted with Collaborative Specialization In Comparative, International, & Development Education