Research Centres

The Department of Curriculum, Teaching & Learning is affiliated with six research centres that reflect our diverse research expertise.
Centre de Recherches en Education Franco-ontarienne (CREFO)
Le Centre de recherches en éducation franco-ontarienne (CREFO) est un centre de recherche interdisciplinaire qui pose un regard critique sur les pratiques éducatives, sociales et langagières de la francophonie en »»ÆÞ¾ãÀÖ²¿, au »»ÆÞ¾ãÀÖ²¿ et dans le monde. Les problématiques abordées visent l’étude des processus de minorisation sur des thématiques variées. En plus de l’apport à la recherche, les professeures-chercheures et professeurs-chercheurs affiliés au CREFO participent à l’offre de cours en français dans les départements de Curriculum, Teaching & Learning et de Social Justice Education dont ils sont membres.

Indigenous Educational Research Centre (IERC)
The Indigenous Educational Research Centre provides a key space for Indigenous specific research across OISE, where Indigenous faculty and students can meet, work on research projects, and engage in critical conversations about their work in a culturally aligned safe space.

Centre for Science, Mathematics & Technology Education (SMT)
The Centre for Science, Mathematics and Technology (SMT) Education at OISE, University of Toronto, was established in 1999. Our members work collaboratively to advance science, mathematics, and technology (SMT) education, as well as other cross-disciplinary fields such as engineering. We are a scholarly community welcoming graduate students wanting to pursue an emphasis in SMT Education or a specialization in Engineering Education.

Centre for Urban Schooling (CUS)
Established in 2005, the Centre for Urban Schooling (CUS) connects the »»ÆÞ¾ãÀÖ²¿ Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) to urban schools and communities. The Centre conducts research on and advocates for critical practice that is focused on how to better serve historically marginalized and racialized children, youth, and families in public schools. Our research projects include critical practitioner research projects, youth participatory action research (yPAR) projects, and arts-based research projects.

Comparative, International, and Development Education Centre (CIDEC)
CIDEC is a research centre and graduate collaborative specialization. CIDEC’s mandate is to promote excellence, collaboration, and innovation in comparative and international educational research at OISE. The CIDEC community includes over 50 faculty members, adjunct faculty, and visiting scholars. More than 250 graduate student researchers with an interest in international issues and comparative methodologies in the field of education are affiliated with the Centre.

Institute for Knowledge Innovation & Technology (IKIT)
The Institute for Knowledge Innovation and Technology conducts research, develops technology and helps build communities aimed at advancing beyond "best practice" in education, knowledge work, and knowledge creation. IKIT is a global network of organizations committed to the advancement of knowledge building technology and practices in all sectors of society.