Lesley Wilton
Lesley Wilton has been teaching in the Master of Teaching and Curriculum & Pedagogy streams at OISE for more than a decade. An elementary teacher who has personal experience with remote teaching, her research and teaching interests include issues and practices of integrating technology into teaching, issues in literacy, constructivist and CMC perspectives on the design of online learning environments, blended learning, foundational pre-service and research courses, and artificial intelligence in education (AIED). Most recently, she has been speaking about the integration, in teaching and learning, of Generative-AI (gen-ai) applications such as ChatCPT. Her MEd research (York University) examined pre-service students’ perceptions of the concepts of digital literacy. She completed her PhD research at the ֲ Institute for Studies in Education (OISE)/University of Toronto, where she studied social practices and new literacies in online learning. She co-chaired the Best Paper Awards Committee of the Online Teaching and Learning Special Interest Group (OTL SIG) at AERA for many years. She contributed to and co-edited the Handbook of Research on Online Discussion-Based Teaching Methods (2020) and has authored a number of peer-reviewed papers such as “Quiet Participation: Investigating non-posting activities in online learning” in the Online Learning Journal (2019). She has served as an invited reviewer for many publications such as a Communication Studies special issue on Understanding Each Other when Communicating in Emerging Technology. She recently wrote a chapter about online discussions for a multi-institutional eCampus book on online teaching. She is a long-time member of the research group and the . She has often presented at AERA, CSSE, Saltise and the Literacy Research Association (LRA). She is a member of the International Artificial Intelligence in Education Society. See @LesleyWilton
Academic Positions
Sessional Lecturer III, Curriculum and PedagogyOISE, Curriculum, Teaching and Learning , ֲ, Jan 2012 - Present
Assistant ProfessorYork University , Faculty of Education, ֲ, Jul 2021 - Jun 2023
PhD, Online Learning and New LiteracyOISE, University of Toronto,
Master of Education, Digital LiteracyYork University ,
Scholarly & Creative Works
Where is the AI? AI Literacy for Educators in Artificial Intelligence in Education. Posters and Late Breaking Results, Workshops and Tutorials, Industry and Innovation Tracks, Practitioners’ and Doctoral Consortium2022, Lecturer Notes in Computer ScienceWilton, L, Ip, S, Sharma, M., & Fan, F.
2022, Designing for Meaningful Synchronous and Asynchronous Discussion in Online Courses.Wilton, L.
2020, International Journal of E-Learning & Distance Education / Revue internationale du e-learning et la formation à distance, 35(1).Mackinnon, K., Makos, A., Wilton, L., Brett, C., Malhotra, T., Avery, T., & Raman, P.
Handbook of Research on Online Discussion-Based Teaching Methods.2020, IGI GlobalWilton, L., & Brett, C. (Eds.)
Private Interactions in Online Learning Discussions: Instructor perspectives2020, Handbook of Research on Online Discussion-Based Teaching MethodsWilton, L., Khan, R., Brett, C. & Alexander, P.
2020, Conference Proceedings of the 9th Annual Saltise ConferenceWilton, L.
2019, Online Learning Journal, 22(4)Wilton, L.
Beyond apps: Unpacking Perceptions of TPACK and Global Competencies in Pre-service Education.2018, Handbook of Research on TPACK in the Digital AgeWilton, L., & Brett, C.
2017, Doctoral Dissertation, University of TorontoWilton, L.
Chapter 7: Welcoming parents into children’s learning2017, eaching young learners in a superdiverse world: Multimodal approaches and perspectivesPaige, C., Holland-Spencer, M, Wilton, L., & Surtees, D.
Exploring teacher education graduates’ conceptions of theory to better understand theory-practice connections2015, CATE 7/ Canadian Association for Teacher Education/Association canadienne pour la formation à l’enseignementStewart Rose, L., Phaisarnsitthikarn, J., Broad, K., James, U., Baxan, V., & Wilton. L.
2014, What is Canadian about Teacher Education in ֲ? Multiple Perspectives on Canadian Teacher Education in the Twenty First CenturyBroad, K., James, U., Baxan, V., Stewart-Rose, L., & Wilton, L.
2014, E-Learning and Digital Media, 11(2)Oztok, M., Wilton, L., Lee, K., Zingaro, D., MacKinnon, K., Makos, A., Phirangee, K., Brett, C., & Hewitt, J.
Research Interests
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in educationOnline LearningOnline Learning DiscussionsTeaching with TechnologyCommunity of InquiryTPACKNew LiteraciesDigital Literacy
Teaching Interests
- CTL1616H Blended Learning: Issues and Applications
- CTL1615H Intro to Artificial Intelligence in Education
- CTL7085H Issues in Literacy
- CTL7016H Integrating Technology into the Classroom
- CTL1608H Constructive Learning and Design of Online Envs
- CTL1609H Ed. Applications of Computer Mediated Communications
- CTL7014H Fundamentals
- LHA1194H Cyberliteracy, Workplace and Adult Education