
UTS Cohort @ University of Toronto Schools - Independent (I/S)

UTS Building
School-Based Cohort Options
UTS Cohort @ University of Toronto Schools - Independent (I/S)

遙ぺ整氈窒 the UTS Cohort @ University of Toronto Schools - Independent (I/S)

The MT program currently partners with the University of Toronto Schools (UTS Grades 7-12) to offer a site-based teacher education option. The school and its community serve as a rich site of real world, professional learning. The focus of the MT-UTS cohort is to provide teacher candidates with an extended opportunity to be part of a school community over two semesters, and learn how its teachers, staff, admin, and students work intentionally to enact a vision for learning where innovation, social-responsibility, and an equity mindset come together. 

UTS Students

UTS Cohort Information

Please review the following information to find out more about this opportunity.

  • Experiential learning on site at UTS one day per week, from September through to April during candidates first year in the MT program. 
  • Opportunities to develop both knowledge of classroom teaching practices and practitioner-research skills through applied learning experiences in classrooms. 
  • A range of service-learning opportunities, such as supporting co-curricular activities (academic, athletic, arts, issues-based, entrepreneurship accelerator), exam proctoring, student mentoring, etc. in collaboration with school staff. 
  • Engage in professional learning workshops led by UTS teachers, staff, and administrators. 
  • Option to request a practicum placement at UTS (note: entry into this cohort does not guarantee a practicum placement at UTS as this depends on Associate Teacher availability each year). 
  • *New this year* - Option to do a Teaching and Inquiry Residency (TIR) at UTS in the Fall semester of Year 2, as part of the Research II course in the program.
  • Access to the OISE workspace on the second floor of UTS. Teacher candidates also have access to UTS staff and student wifi while on site, as well as a login to the UTS virtual landscape (Google workspace, O365, internal websites). 
  • Opportunity to apply to facilitate a range of (these are typically paid positions) over July and August between the first and second year in the program. Camp topics include urban planning, global health, neuroscience, speech & debate, and more.  
  • Opportunities to connect with a community of practitioner-researchers through the Eureka Research Institute. Please watch for announcements during the fall to apply for paid Research Assistantships.  
  • Teacher candidates who successfully complete the expectations for the MT-UTS cohort option receive credit for one of their two elective courses (CTL5716: Special Topics in Teaching: Youth Study, Observation & Inquiry). These teacher candidates also receive a signed letter of recognition from the school principal, highlighting the special professional learning experiences that were undertaken. 

UTS School Based Program provides I/S teacher candidates the opportunity to: 

  1. Have additional school-based experiential learning opportunities above and beyond their practicum placements (note: these hours count towards one of your elective course credits)
  2. Learn more about school-based research in the context of a University School setting and develop your skills as a practitioner researcher. 
  3. Be part of a school that centres social responsibility, and has adopted an action-focused anti-racism, equity, diversity, and inclusion mindset through a progressive commitment to brave, honest conversations and reflexive practice. 
  4. Learn more about the 遙ぺ整氈窒 independent school system, and possibly teaching in an independent school.  

School-Based Programs provide I/S teacher candidates the opportunity to: 

  • Engage in school-based experiential learning beyond their practicum placements. Be a part of a school with a diverse student body and a staff that centres racial justice, equity, and enlivening educational commitments to all within their community.
  • Experience the adaptable, responsive, and reflective practice required to work in a school community that puts student learning at the centre of pedagogical and pedagogical commitments. 


Applicants should select the UTS Option as their site-based preference. 

  1. You have the same option as other MT candidates to identify a public school board preference for your practicum placements from among our partner boards. Selecting the UTS Option, does not mean that you are required to do a practicum at UTS (though it is an option for those who are interested). 
  2. Teacher candidates who are admitted to the UTS Option should be prepared to email a copy of their vulnerable sector check to the school administration. (Please keep any original/hard copies for submission to your preferred school board for your Year 1 practicum placements.) 
  3. On the days that you are on site at UTS (currently Thursdays), you will follow the schools daily schedule (currently 8:50am-3:45pm). 
  4. You do not attend UTS during practicum blocks, unless you are doing a practicum placement at UTS. 


Questions about the MT-UTS cohort can be directed to Dr. Kim MacKinnon at kimberley.mackinnon@utoronto.ca.   

Questions about MT Admissions can be sent to: ctladmissions.oise@utoronto.ca