

The Comparative, International and Development Education Student Association (CIDE SA) is a student-driven organization created in March 2008 as a response to the need expressed by both students and faculty members of the Comparative, International and Development Education Centre (CIDEC) at OISE for a unique and official student voice in our collaborative program.

The CIDE SA provides a platform for a unique and official student voice from CIDEC. CIDE SA hopes to engage the rest of the community throughout their various activities. CIDESA events are posted on the CIDEC Seminar Series and Events Calendar and all are welcome to attend.

The CIDE SA is focused on the activities of the student body of CIDEC. Though having distinct operations, the CIDE SA encourages students to participate in CIDEC events and activities. The ways in which the CIDE SA supports and are involved in the larger CIDE community are numerous, and depend on the interests/needs of students involved each year as well as the evolving needs of the program and the CIDE advisory council.

The mandate and potential activities for the CIDE SA include but are not limited to:

  • Support of social, academic and professional activities for CIDE students
  • Orientation for new students
  • Internal communications & community building
  • Increasing the status of CIDE within OISE, U of T and the external community
  • Liaising with the administration and faculty of CIDE
  • Organization of an annual student retreat

CIDE SA Mission

To support CIDE student voices, needs and interests by acting as a liaison between students and CIDEC, OISE, University of Toronto and other organizations

To advocate for inclusiveness and diversity in the development of our social, academic and professional community

To advance student scholarship and action-oriented engagement in the world

CIDE SA Core Values

Committed: Dedicated to the collaborative advancement of our students, CIDEC, and our field.

Inclusive: Celebrating and reflective of diversity and dynamism in our student body.

Democratic: Embracing organic and representative participation that seeks and represents student voices.

Engaged: Actively involved in promoting innovative scholarship and action.

Supportive: Fostering a caring and respectful student community.

Accountable: Ensuring that our operations are transparent, open, and accessible.

»»ÆÞ¾ãÀÖ²¿ CIDE SA Constitution

The CIDESA constitution contains extensive information about our operating structure, objectives, selection process, etc. This constitution is a work in progress and a living document, which will evolve together with the CIDE SA.

Contact Information

CIDE SA can be contacted through email at cidesa.oise.uot@gmail.com.