Guide to Zoom Security Settings
Security Step #1: Setting Up Your Meeting
Set up Registration
To enable registration, visit the Zoom web portal, and use the Meetings menu. When scheduling or editing a meeting, select the registration required check box. for your meeting.
Create a Passcode
To enable a passcode, visit the Zoom web portal, and use the Settings menu. Select the Security section to verify the passcode settings. Share the passcode only with the people youve invited. .
Use Zoom webinar to limit interaction options
If you are hosting a virtual gathering that is open to people outside the U of T community, you can consider hosting a Zoom webinar instead. This limits participants interactions to the chat function.
Never post Zoom links to Social Media.
We know its tempting to share your Zoom event link on social media. But did you know that the word Zoom and Zoom links are trolled by bots on social media? Meetings shared this way become targets for disruptions and nuisance. Its like advertising a house party when you only meant to invite your closest friends to dinner.
This is why its really important to set up Registration for advertised events, so only welcome guests can join.
Even with registration enabled, DO NOT post your registration link on social media. Instead:
- Disguise URLs using (its free!)
- Ask users to visit another page to register for the event, and include that URL instead.
- Avoid using the terms Zoom, Zoom Webinar or Webinar and opt for terms like, online event, online session, or virtual session, to avoid attracting unwanted attention.
Security Step #2: Before Starting Your Meeting
Configure security settings at the start of a meeting and before admitting attendees or participants using the Security and Screen Share buttons.
Below pictured left: the Security menu. Pictured right: the Screen Share menu
Basic Settings:
Education Commons has auto enabled the Waiting Room, but you can choose if you want to Hide Profile Pictures so no attendees (including hosts) will have profile pictures visible.
Participant settings:
Hosts can enable or disable participant audio, video and screen sharing settings, both in-meeting and when initially scheduling.
Screen Sharing options:
Use the Screen Share icon to access the Advanced Sharing Options to select more specific restrictions for screen sharing.
Security Step #3: During Your Meeting
Lock Meeting:
In the Security menu, select Lock Meeting to prevent anyone new from joining the meeting. Existing attendees will not be removed.
Know how to remove unwanted participants:
涌rom the Participants menu, hosts can mouse over a participants name, and盎everal options will appear, including Remove.
Suspend Participant Activities final resort only
The Suspend Participant Activities option should be used as a final resort if the meeting is being disrupted. Participants (and some hosts), will lose access to everything, and the main host will be spotlighted.
Additional Support
Visit our online service hub to submit a ticket for technical problems, or to make a request for IT support or resources.
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Monday to Friday
11:00 AM to 3:00 PM EST
Make an appointment to talk with an Education Commons expert at a time that works for you.