Participate in Research

Current opportunities to participate in research conducted by the Centre for Educational Research on Languages and Literacies.
Advancing Agency in Language Education Project
You are invited to participate in a landscape survey that aims to explore your teaching experiences with action-oriented, technology-mediated, and plurilingual practices in language education:
4-Part Survey (15-20 Minutes)
- Demographic questionnaire
- Teaching experience questionnaire
- Pedagogy questionnaire on your familiarity with and use of action-oriented, technology-mediated, and plurilingual pedagogies
- Classroom practices questionnaire on your recent/ current classroom practice
Participants Must Be:
- A language teacher in »»ÆÞ¾ãÀÖ²¿;
- Currently teaching at least one of the following languages: English, French, or German;
- Teaching these languages in primary, secondary, post-secondary and/or adult learning programs (that may include public, private, governmental, non-governmental, or community contexts);
- Interested in plurilingual, action-oriented, and technology-mediated approaches to language instruction.
Our research project is coordinated by Dr. Enrica Piccardo (»»ÆÞ¾ãÀÖ²¿ Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto), in collaboration with Drs. Angelica Galante (McGill University), Aline Germain-Rutherford (University of Ottawa), and Geoff Lawrence (York University). For more information, please contact Karam Noel. We greatly value your time and willingness to share your insights.